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School’s Bioethics Committee

The Bioethics Committee of the School of Physical Education and Sport Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, is a body designated to examine and approve research involving human subjects. The Committee was formed to ensure that research conducted by members of the School of Physical Education and Sport Science is carried out in an ethical manner (i.e. protect the rights, welfare, privacy and personal data of human subjects), in accordance with national and international guidelines and laws.

The current members of the Bioethics committee of the School of Physical Education and Sport Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, have been appointed by the General Assembly of the School on 17/7/2019:

Ordinary members
Professor Gregory Bogdanis (coordinator)
Associate Professor Maria Psychountaki
Assistant Professor Olyvia Donti

Deputy members
Professor Charilaos Tsolakis
Associate Professor Argyris Toubekis
Assistant Professor Nektarios Stavrou