Scientific Discipline
Soccer Coaching
-Didactics and Training Principles in Soccer
-Technical Analysis of Soccer
-Training Methods in Soccer
-Special Issues in Soccer
-Directed Study in Soccer
-Team Tactics in Soccer
-Internship in Soccer
Research Interests
-Training/education in Soccer
- Evaluation of Biochemical Responses to Soccer
- Technical and Tactical Performance in Soccer
- Nutrition in Soccer
- B.Sc., P.E. and Sports Science, specialization in Soccer, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2002
- Ph.D. in Laboratory of Biological Chemistry: Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2010
Indicative Publications
1. Grezios A. K., Gissis I.Th., Sotiropoulos A. A., Nikolaidisand D.V., Souglis A. G. (2006). Muscle – contraction properties in overarm throwing movements. Journal of Strength and Condition Research. 20 (1):117-123.
2. Papapanagiotou A., Gissis, C., Papadopoulos, A., Souglis A., Bogdanis GC, GiososI., Sotiropoulos A. (2011). PostmatcheffectsonHomocynteineand 8-iso- PGF2alevelsinsoccerandhockeyplayers. Research in Sports Medicine. 19(2):118-28
3. A. Sotiropoulos., A. K. Travlos., I. Gissis., A. Souglis and Apostolos Grezios (2009). The effect of a four-week training regime on body fat and aerobic capacity of professional soccer players during the transition period.Journal of Strength and Condition Research 23(6): 1697-1703
4. Nassis, G. P, Geladas N. D, Soldatos Y., Sotiropoulos A., Bekris V., Souglis A. (2010). Relationship Between the 20-m Multistage Shuttle Run Test and 2 Soccer-Specific Field Tests for the Assessment of Aerobic Fitness in Adult Semi-professional Soccer Players. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24(10):2693-2697.
5. Bogdanis C. G., Papaspyrou A., Souglis A., Theos A., Sotiropoulos A., Maridaki M. (2011). Effects of two different half-squat training programs on fatigue during repeated cycling sprints in soccer players. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 25(7):1849-1856.
6.Souglis A., Chryssanthopoulos C., Travlos A. K., Zorzou A., Gissis I., Papadopoulos C, and SotiropoulosA. (2013). The effect of high vs. low carbohydrate diets on distances covered in soccer. Journal of Strength and Condition Research27 (8):2235-47.
7. Apostolidis N, Bogdanis C. G, Kostopoulos N, Souglis A, Papadopoulos Ch. (2014). Changes in the lipid profile of elite basketball and soccer players after a match. Research in Sports Medicine. 22 (1):100-10.
8. Papadopoulos C, Theodosiou K, Bogdanis GC, Gkantiraga E, Gissis I, Sambanis M, Souglis A, Sotiropoulos A. (2014). Multiarticular isokinetic high-load eccentric training induces large increases in eccentric and concentric strength and jumping performance. Journal of Strength and Condition Research 28(9):2680-8
9. Souglis A., Bogdanis G.C., GiannopoulouI., Papadopoulos Ch. and Apostolidis N. (2015). Comparison of Inflammatory Responses and Muscle Damage Indices Following a Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball and Handball Game at an Elite Competitive Level. Research in Sports Medicine. 23(1):59-72
10. Souglis AG, Papapanagiotou A, Bogdanis GC, Travlos AK, Apostolidis NG, Geladas ND. (2015). Comparison of inflammatory responses to a soccer match between elite male and female players. Journal of Strength and Condition Research. 29(5):1227-33