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Aspasia Dania


Scientific discipline
Teaching and Methodology of Physical Education

- Sport Pedagogy - Teaching Practice in Elementary School
- Teaching and Methodology of Physical Education  - Teaching Practice in Secondary School

Research Interests
-Physical Education Teacher Education
-Teaching Methods and Models in Physical Education and Sport
-Assessment in Physical Education and Sport

-Graduate: Physical Education, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1995.
-Master of Science (MSc), Physical Education, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2009.
-PhD: Physical Education, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2013.

Indicative Publications

  1. Dania, A. (2021). An autoethnography of becoming critical in Physical Education Teacher Education, Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 12(3), 251-267. https://doi.org/10.1080/25742981.2021.1926299
  2. Adamakis, M., & Dania, A. (2021). Validity and reliability of the emotional intelligence scale in pre-service physical education teachers. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(1), 54-59.
  3. O’Brien, W., Adamakis, M., O’ Brien, M., Onofre, M., Martins, J., Dania, A., Makopoulou, K., Herold, F., Ng, K., & Costa, J. (2020). Implications for European Physical Education Teacher Education during the COVID-19 pandemic :a cross-institutional SWOT analysis, European Journal of Teacher Education, 43(4,) 503-522. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2020.1823963
  4. Dania, A., & Griffin, L. (2020). Using social network theory to explore a participatory action research collaboration through social media. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/2159676X.2020.1836506
  5. Dania, A., & Harvey, S. (2020). Teaching basketball to sampling-year athletes: a game-centered and situated learning perspective. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(2), 529-538.
  6. Dania, A., Kaioglou, V., & Venetsanou, F. (2020). Validation of the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy for Greek children: Understanding assessment in response to culture and pedagogy. European Physical Education Review, https://doi.org/10.1177/1356336X20904079
  7. Kaioglou, V., Dania, A., & Venetsanou, F. (2020). How physically literate are children today? A baseline assessment of Greek children 8-12 years of age. Journal of Sport Sciences, 38(7), 741-750, https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2020.1730024.
  8. Dania, A., & Zounhia, K. (2019). Physical education and physical education teacher education in Greece. In A. MacPhail, D. Tannehill & Z. Avsar (Eds), Identifying best practice across physical education teacher education programmes: A European perspective (pp. 121-136). Meyer & Meyer Publ. House.
  9. Dania, A. (2018). Pre-service and in-service teachers’ use of a wiki platform within a physical education mentoring program. In van Hilvoorde, I., & Koekoek, J. (Eds.), Worldwide Developments of Digital Technology in Physical Education and Sport, (pp. 257-277). London and New York: Routledge.
  10. Dania, A. (2018). LANTD: The implementation of a nonlinear pedagogical approach to primary school traditional dance teaching. In Overby, L. Y. & B. Lepczyk (Eds.), Dance: Current Selected Research, Vol. 9, DE: University of Delaware Library Open Access Publishing Platform. https://journals.udel.edu/dance/index